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Week of June 2: With God, All Things Are Possible

June 4, 2013

Memory VerseMemory Verse

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” – Matthew 19:26 (NIV)

The Lesson

This week during Sunday School and Kids’ Own Worship, the children studied the Old Testament story of Gideon. The story can be found in the Book of Judges, chapters 6 and 7. Familiarize yourself with the story by re-reading it and ask your child to tell you some highlights he or she might remember. You may use this sheet (from to help facilitate a discussion. Or, you might prefer to use a crossword puzzle (from to emphasize the main points.

So What?

What makes a story, such as this one about Gideon, matter? Our goal is to discover the point (or points) that are most prominent and timeless and hold our focus there. One of the important points that can be taken from Gideon’s story is that, with God, anything is possible! Even in the lives of our children, it is surprising to learn that they sometimes feel the weight of things that are, for them, seemingly impossible to do.

Talk with your child(ren) about things that have seemed impossible for you. If you have a testimony about how God did something that seemed otherwise impossible, share that, too! Allow your child an opportunity to talk about his or her “impossibles.” Review the memory verse, then pray together: possible

“Dear God, sometimes we feel afraid, confused, and sad because we need to do something that seems impossible for us. Help us to trust you during those times, because we know that whatever seems impossible for us is entirely possible for you! Thank you for loving us and for caring about our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

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