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Week of July 21: Don’t worry, be … obedient

July 21, 2013

Memory Verse

Don't_worry“Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you.”
Psalm 55:22a (NRSV)

The Lesson

The story of Saul’s unauthorized offering to the Lord — and Samuel’s response — can be found in 1 Samuel 13:1-15. This was the feature story in Sunday School and in KOW this week, and was used to facilitate conversations about obedience and giving our worries to God.

Take some time to read this story for yourself and give some thought to its message to you. Then, sit with your family and read it together. (It is best to give yourself some time to read and reflect on a Bible story first if you plan to use it during a devotional time with your family.) Here is an online lesson guide you might wish to read to help guide your reflection and planning:

During our Kids’ Own Worship service, the children watched a video of someone who was planning to make chocolate chip cookies. Rather than following directions, he made substitutions and some pretty serious mistakes. If your child attended worship this week, ask him or her about the video. Use this conversation as a platform to discuss the importance of obedience to God in making choices in life. Be sure to tie the concepts of obedience and worry together: It is important to follow God’s rules for living. It is also important to trust Him with the outcome when we make obedient choices. God really does do amazing things!

We Pray

Dear God, you amaze us with your power and with your love for us! Sometimes, when it looks like things are going badly, we begin to worry and do things our own way. Please forgive us during these times. Help us to always remain obedient to you in our choices, and then help us to trust you with the outcomes. Bless us in Jesus’ name, amen.

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