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About WH Kidz

Welcome to WH Kidz’ weekly blog! Our goal is to give parents and families tools to use at home that will accomplish the following:

  1. Enhance confidence of parents in establishing spiritual leadership and guidance for children at home.
  2. Support weekly Sunday School lessons at home.
  3. Keep children focused on scripture memorization and application during the summer while our Wednesday night activities are on hiatus.

Every Sunday, Woodhaven offers opportunities for families to worship – either together in one serviceĀ or in age-appropriate services. Our early worship service meets at 8:30 a.m. and is more casual – something that appeals to families who like to worship as a family. At 10:30, a traditional worship service is held in the sanctuary while a special service called “Kids Own Worship” is held simultaneously in the Multipurpose room for school-aged children up through Grade 6. (Special accommodations are always available for infants and preschoolers.)

Come worship with us! And during the week, use these activities and ideas to make home a place of Christian worship and service as well.

Peace and blessings,

*Sandy Stillman-Alvin, Minister of Children and Contemporary Worship

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