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Week of August 5: Serving an Amazing God

August 5, 2012

Memory Verse

“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 (NRSV)

The Lesson

Today, the children studied the story of Moses and the burning bush. This lesson is found in Exodus 3:1-12. Read this portion of the story together as a family. Ask everyone to listen for remarkable aspects of the story and share after it is read aloud. (Keep this practice open without seeking “perfect” answers. The more your family works on this type of sharing, the better everyone will become in seeing things in deeper spiritual ways. Don’t expect too much if you are just getting started.)

God expressed to Moses his awareness of the suffering of the Hebrew people in Egypt. He also announced the reason for his appearance: to deliver them. Further, God made it clear to Moses that He would use Moses to accomplish this very important job. Moses was being called by God into a job he did not feel ready to perform.

If you have had an experience in being called to do something you felt was bigger than your abilities, share that experience with your family. If not, explore how that scenario might feel. Stress the need to 1) trust that God will be with us as He has promised to be, and 2) learn how to recognize Him at work. 3) Also emphasize that God calls us to do things that help others, far beyond ourselves or just our immediate families.

Applying Our Faith

During your prayers this week, ask God to make family members aware of what He would have them do for others. As parents, pray for God to lead your family to someone or to another family who needs your help right now. When He answers you, don’t be surprised if it seems outside of your comfort zone! Do what God has asked you to do, believing that He is working through you and is right there with you!

  1. Sandy-this has been a great resourse for our family. I hope we will see it back next year, if not sooner. Anneliese

    • I’m so glad! I will try to add posts as often as possible. They will be announced in the newsletter and on Facebook. Keep up the family mission focus in the meantime!

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